Published on 07/22/2018 3:36 am
5 Best Educational Apps for iPad

If your child isn't using educational programs yet on the iPad, they probably will be soon. IPads are becoming an increasingly essential instrument  for all stages of childhood education. There are thousands of educational apps already on the program shop, and much more being published every day. These educational apps are pushing the boundaries of teaching effectiveness and fun. In some cases they're even surpassing the abilities of the world's finest teachers, while being easily available to each child with an internet connection. 

Finding educational apps is simple. But finding the best educational programs is a bit harder. Where should you begin? We have collected a short list of what we believe are the 5 best educational apps for iPad for your child to try. This list concentrates on K-6 education.

Note: this is a list of the best programs, not the best free programs. Sometimes you get what you pay for.

1. Epic! Unlimited Books for Kids

Developing the literacy skills required for college and career preparation requires exposure to tens of thousands of words, and years of reading practice. Just a few years ago parents needed to repeatedly visit libraries to provide their children with great reading materials. Frankly most didn't. Now with Epic! , every child has access to more books than they could consume.

Epic! Is the major digital library for children using over 25,000 high-quality ebooks, audiobooks, learning videos, and quizzes for kids 12 and under.

2. Ace Apps -- Fun and successful educational games for 1st to 3rd grade

Children learn through repetition. Less talented children, like those with disabilities, require extra repetition. In the present school system, children requiring extra repetition wind up falling being. In 2017, over 50% of 4th graders weren't adept in 4th grade Common Core math and English standards.

Launched in the summer of 2018, Ace Programs will make a dent in the statistic. These are the very best apps we have discovered to help students master foundational skills like addition, multiplication, spelling and more. Want to set your kids up for success? Give them Ace Programs now.

Ace Programs has countless timed challenges covering mathematics and English skills. The timed challenges are like paper worksheets on steroids. They adapt to student abilities. Questions are repeated just at the perfect time to maximize learning. We have seen talented children and autistic children alike benefit from only a couple minutes playing with Math and Spelling Ace.

Ace Apps provide a 7 day free trail, which unlocks full access to all 6 Ace Programs and growing. After that full accessibility costs $19.99 for 3 months. Whether your child needs to catch up or get ahead, we urge that they practice 10 minutes of Math Ace and 10 minutes of Spelling Ace per day, particularly over the summer.

3. Khan Academy

Khan Academy brings educational videos covering nearly all K-12 subjects into one free program. The iPad program includes over 4,000 videos covering math, physics, chemistry, finance, and much more.

Use Khan Academy throughout the school year if you find your child is struggling to grasp a new subject.

4. Duolingo

A new study indicates that children must begin to learn a new language by age 10 to achieve the fluency level of a native speaker. Want your child to be bilingual? Check out Duolingo.

There's a reason why Duolingo is the #1 Education program on the app store, and on our list of the 5 best educational apps for iPad. It lets you learn a language for free with fun and effective bite sized lessons. Use Duolingo to learn any language from Spanish to Esperanto.

5. Calm

Life is an emotional journey, and teaching children emotional intelligence is vital to their success in life. One of the best processes for improving emotional intelligence is mindfulness, or meditation.

If you have never practiced meditation, it is simply the act of detaching from thought for a few minutes by focusing on a sense perception like breathing. By stopping thought, you cease any negative momentum that you've picked up from daily. If you meditate for even a couple of minutes every day, you'll find your energy will be more positive, you are going to become more resilient to stress, and more empathetic.

Introducing this daily practice for your children could be one of the most helpful things you do to contribute to their well being over life. We recommend 10 minutes of meditation a day for any human being alive, including your kids. Calm is has a free version for iPhone and iPad, and a premium subscription unlocking all attributes costs $59.99 per year.

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5 Best Educational programs for iPad